Huwebes, Marso 7, 2013

Won a GC for a Free 3D/2N Accommodation in Crown Regency?

so apparently this scheme has been going on for quite some year now...Just got a call again.. this is for the 2nd time already... And I know where they got my number.

Back in 2011, my mom got mobbed in duty free to fill out a raffle coupon to win free hotel accommodations. She filled it out and entered my cell# as contact no. So a few month passed, they called looking for my mom and said she won  a free hotel accomm. Since my mom already went back to the states, they said I could claim it. To claim the reward, I just need to go to A. Venue hotel and watch a presentation. I never went.

Now, 2013, they called again looking for my mother saying that they got my contact from a guest referral. Of course I asked from who? They didn't say. Then I remembered.... and I realized that this is a scam that is the same as before.

The caller introduced herself as Janine Antonio (apologies if someone has the same name) from Club Ultima. She was initially looking for my Mom. So I told her where my mom is and who I was and then she started looking for some other "adult" in the house. Then she asked me for my profession and salary bracket (of course i bluffed about it). I can feel she doesn't want to talk to me. Before she hang up, I got her name and the company she represents.

After that call, I Google-ed  "Club Ultima guest referral crown regency".  Well lo and behold, there was a blog that tells the same story as I did except that the blogger went to check the presentation. Thanks to that blogger I am able to confirm my doubt about that scheme. Also the comments section from that blog also helped a lot! Thanks!

There things that are true though: 1) Club Ultima seems to be a legit website and Crown Regency is a legit company.

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